At Exceptional Wellness Center, we effectively treat patients at a variety of levels of health and mobility. Our patients discover that no matter what ailments they have, we offer a new outlook on treatment and wellness. From allergies to car accident injuries, headaches to back pain and much of in between we serve our patients with top rated wellness and chiropractic care in the West Los Angeles area.
Back and Neck Pain: A chiropractic adjustment at the hands of a chiropractor who understands the exact anatomy of each and every joint and muscle in the back and neck means effective natural pain relief for the pain you may have thought you just had to endure.
Migraines and Other Headaches: Head pain can be debilitating and many people take way too many over the counter medications to try to alleviate the pain. It may come as a surprise that there are chiropractic and natural options that are effective for head pain ranging from acupuncture to adjustments and more.
Allergies: We offer exceptional care for people who may have believed that their allergies were just something they had to live with. Ask about our NAET Allergy Treatment when you come in.
Car Accident Injury: Recovery from a traumatic injury or body jolt can feel like a long process, we offer treatment to reduce your pain, reduce healing time, and improve your mobility.
Autism: We offer services for autism using the NAET Treatment. This has been effective for reducing autism symptoms in many patients and parents report an improvement in many aspects of their child's daily life. Ask about how we can assist you on your path.
Chronic Pain: We treat chronic pain conditions including fibromyalgia with a multi-fold approach using chiropractic care, acupuncture, Ayurvedic medicine, nutritional supplements, nutrition counseling, and even quantum neurology.
Sciatica: We offer pain relieving treatments and healing techniques for those who suffer from pain that radiates from the sciatic nerve.
Digestive Conditions: If you have been suffering from IBS, Crohn's, or other digestive issues we offer whole body care to address the problem and heal you starting at the root cause.